Joel Byron Barker

A writer with a toolbox chock full of pegs both square and round.

Archive for March, 2009

Talking About Features and Benefits

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

When creating marketing messages, particularly for technology and software, the industry standard has been to break down the conversation to features and benefits.  The argument is that we simply list the elements of the product and call them features.  Following that, we affix a significance to those features and call those benefits. When developing that […]

Nailing It

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

I am just wrapping up a project creating a user manual for an audio device. It was a small-scale technical writing project that is quite easy to turn around. This morning, I just want to crow to the fact that I got the timeline right, the budget right, and all the stakeholders are really pleased […]

The Evangalist in the Market Place

Saturday, March 7th, 2009

When my primary client was Microsoft, they used the term “evangalist” to describe advocates who put on training presentations.  I like that.  It is an honest, if perhaps overblown, image.  The evangalists want to speak to you about what they believe in.  You know that they are advocating for a point and you expect that […]

Not so much elearning as…

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

I have been having a lot of conversations about elearning as a marketing opportunity. Thinking more about it, the semantics are backwards. Marketing is more parallel with eTeaching than eLearning.  We are talking about a concept in need of a name.  It is the act of creating real, valuable content and providing it to customers/students/partners. […]