Joel Byron Barker

A writer with a toolbox chock full of pegs both square and round.

The Evangalist in the Market Place

by joel - March 7th, 2009.
Filed under: Marketing in these modern times.

When my primary client was Microsoft, they used the term “evangalist” to describe advocates who put on training presentations.  I like that.  It is an honest, if perhaps overblown, image.  The evangalists want to speak to you about what they believe in.  You know that they are advocating for a point and you expect that they have a thorough knowledge.  My friend and cohort Bob Carver at Aeshen creates great technical communications that evangalize for products.  Through dynamic interactivity and creative communication, Aeshen can create thorough messaging for complex product lines such as Microsoft Forefront.

I worked for Bob for many years and really appreciate the capabilities that he brings to the table.  Aeshen is staffed by technical people who can get to the core of a product’s quality and pull out the gems that mean something to a technical customer.  I learned a lot about bringing value to the audience working on these sorts of projects with Bob. My portfolio includes some examples of the good stuff we created.

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